PTOrganiser aims to enable schools to run quality parent teacher meetings either online or “in school”. Parents/guardians have designated appointments and teachers know who they will be meeting. It was developed specifically for the use of Irish post-primary schools.

Compatible with VSWare, Compass, Tyro, Facility, Cloudschool

Why Choose PTOrganiser?

PTOrganiser is a flexible computer app that allows the school to specify the structure of the meeting – the time frame, length of appointments etc.

The school extracts the data required from the school administration system using prepared procedures for the app.

Parents/guardians indicate in priority order which teachers they wish to meet.

Once these have been entered, the app generates a schedule for the meeting allocating appointments to parents/guardians in priority order. Teachers receive a list of their appointments together with a list of any parents who requested to meet them but for whom appointments were not allocated.

This leads to a smooth-running meeting with only those parents with appointments at a given time in the school or online which results in a more relaxed and professional meeting.


Russell Harris

The PT organiser makes organising Parent-Teacher meetings so easy. I can organise a meeting in an hour or so. Parents can be automatically scheduled to meet a maximum number of teachers (we allow 7), they enter their order of preference, and the system does the rest. Breaks can be given to teachers, and they can easily access their own schedules. If you currently have a free-for-all system which results in long queues and frustrated parents, I highly recommend changing to a scheduled system. We allow 5 minutes for each meeting (which as a teacher as well as a DP, is plenty of time). The parents make their selections online, and receive their schedules in the same way.

Donal Evoy

It is a brilliant app. It's a wonder someone didn't think of this system years ago... It has revolutionized PT meetings!

Maura Murray

Such was the response from staff and parents alike that we hope to avail of your on-line Parent Teacher Meeting software in the future